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TCR T-cell therapies are currently being studied to determine safety and efficacy through clinical trials.

Antigen expression in solid tumors

Investigations of T-cell receptor (TCR) T-cell immunotherapies for solid tumors have focused on tumors with high cancer/testis antigen (CTA) expression1-2

Expression of CTAs such as New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 1 (NY-ESO-1), melanoma-associated antigen A4 (MAGE-A4), and preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma (PRAME) is exceptionally high and homogeneous in SyS compared with in other solid tumors.3-5

SyS=synovial sarcoma.


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MAGE-A4 expression across tumors


  1. MAGE-A4c1032T for multi-tumor. identifier: NCT03132922. Updated August 10, 2022. Accessed October 10, 2023.
  2. A pilot study of NY-ESO-1c259 T cells in subjects with advanced myxoid/round cell liposarcoma. identifier: NCT02992743. Updated April 11, 2023. Accessed October 10, 2023.
  3. Albertsmeier M, Altendorf-Hofmann A, Lindner LH, et al. Cancer testis antigens and immunotherapy: expression of PRAME is associated with prognosis in soft tissue sarcoma. Cancers (Basel). 2020;12(12):3612.
  4. Mitchell G, Pollack SM, Wagner MJ. Targeting cancer testis antigens in synovial sarcoma. J Immunother Cancer. 2021;9(6):e002072.
  5. Wang T, Navenot JM, Rafail S, et al. Identifying MAGE-A4–positive tumors for SPEAR T-cell therapies in HLA-A*02–eligible patients. Presented at: American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting; April 8-13, 2022; New Orleans, LA. Poster LB001.