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TCR T-cell therapies are currently being studied to determine safety and efficacy through clinical trials.

Role of T-cell receptors

T-cell receptor (TCR) T-cell therapy design1

TCR T-Cell Therapy Design table

T cells’ ability to recognize and infiltrate tumor cells may be limited by several factors, including reduced tumor antigen expression by tumor cells, a scarcity of high-affinity, tumor-reactive T cells, and immunosuppressive factors associated with the tumor and microenvironment.2,3

TCR T-cell therapies are designed to: 1) leverage genetic modification with a lentivirus vector encoding a TCR that has increased affinity for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)–tumor antigen complexes in cancer cells with the target antigen; 2) enable the infusion of a large number of engineered T cells that may induce the adaptive immune response, binding to and killing tumor cells; and, 3) work with lymphodepleting chemotherapy to optimize T-cell persistence.2,4-7

Genetically modified TCRs have increased affinity for HLA–tumor antigen complexes but keep a very similar structure to endogenous TCRs8

Endogeneous GM TCR CAR chart

Michaela Sharpe, Natalie Mount, Genetically modified T cells in cancer therapy: opportunities and challenges, Dis Model Mech, 2015, Fig. 3., Copyright 2024 The Company of Biologists

The HLA–tumor antigen peptide complex provides specificity to the target-binding process.6,9

However, identifying suitable target antigens has been a major challenge in the development of TCR T-cell therapies for solid tumors. The characteristics of an ideal antigen for effective targeting include selective expression on tumor cells, including expression of intracellular antigens on the cell surface as an HLA–tumor antigen peptide complex, and no or low expression on healthy cells.3,10 The ideal antigen should also have sufficient immunogenicity to mediate cytotoxic T-cell responses and play a key role in tumor cell survival.3 Cancer/testis antigens (CTAs) meet most of these criteria.


  • Are a type of intracellular tumor antigen.11,12 Tumor cells process intracellular antigens in the endoplasmic reticulum and express them as a peptide complex with HLA on the surface of tumor cells that can be targeted to stimulate an antitumor immune response10
  • Are not usually expressed on somatic tissues13
  • Are only expressed on male germ cells in healthy adults; however, these cells lack HLA expression and do not present antigens to T cells13
  • May be highly immunogenic, including New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 1 (NY-ESO-1), with many patients having antibodies and reactive T cells that are unable to stop the cancer from growing14,15
  • Are reexpressed during the dedifferentiation process in carcinogenesis in many types of cancers16-18

Examples of CTAs under investigation include19-23:

  • Melanoma-associated antigen A4 (MAGE-A4)
  • NY-ESO-1
  • Preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma (PRAME)
  • Synovial sarcoma X (SSX)
  • P antigen family member 5 (PAGE5)
  • Melanoma antigen recognized by T cells 1 (MART-1)
  • Glycoprotein 100 (GP100)

TCRs recognize and bind to HLA–tumor antigen peptide complexes6

HLAs play an important role in regulating the immune system. They present peptide/antigen complexes to TCRs, enabling the immune system to differentiate between self and nonself.24

TCR T cells can target both membrane-bound extracellular proteins and intracellular proteins that are displayed as peptides complexed with their specific HLA on the surface of tumor cells.6,9

T-Cell Tumor Binding TCR

T cells binding to the tumor via TCRs activate a signaling cascade to induce tumor cell killing.6,25

  • Cytotoxic (CD8+) T cells kill tumor cells via the release of granzymes and perforin26
  • These cells also produce interferon-γ (IFNγ) to increase the expression of HLA by tumor cells, making them better targets for CD8+ T cells27,28

T-cell therapies are designed to localize when and where the therapeutic and toxic action of T cells occurs.29

CAR=chimeric antigen receptor; CD=cluster of differentiation; CDR=complementarity-determining region; MHC=major histocompatibility complex; scFv=single-chain variable fragment; TNFr=tumor necrosis factor receptor.


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Role of biomarkers in T-cell receptor T-cell therapies


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